Sector of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
The Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry comprises the corresponding laboratory and covers the research and provision of knowledge for the reclamation and protection of soil resources and their appropriate use, as well as the increase of their productivity.
Educational objectives: Chemistry and physical chemistry of soils. Soil fertility. Soil Biology- Ecology. Fertilizers-Fertilization, Soil – Plant analyses and evaluation of results. Genesis Classification – Micromorphology of soils. Soil mapping. Land use planning, Soil assessment systems and models. Geographic information systems and remote sensing in natural resources. Soil degradation. Problematic Soils. Soil management and Sustainability. Soil pollution – environmental impacts. Rehabilitation-bioremediation of soils.
Research subjects: Colloidal systems, ion exchange phenomena, adsorption models. Mineral soil formation. Soil Genesis Indices. Evaluation and rational use of fertilizers, organic fertilizing and soil improvers. Recycling of organic materials, waste and agroindustrial by-products in soils. Biodegradation processes. Soil degradation. Desertification. Nitrates. Soil quality and territorial functions that define it. Soil quality indicators. Acidic, saline and alkaline, soils, rehabilitation and protective measures. Soil assessment. Sustainable management of territorial resources. Soil mapping, soil maps, soil studies. Applications of geographic information systems and remote sensing in rational use-soil management, pollution of soils with organic pollutants and heavy metals.