University of Athens


The undergraduate curriculum aims at the integrated education and training of the graduates, as well as the research progress in the areas of the sustainable development, the appropriate use and the management of natural resources and the environment in general, as well as the cutting edge research and technology in the fields of Machine Systems, Farm Structures, Land Reclamation and Natural Resources. The Department provides in all its graduates of knowledge and skills for the pursuit of the profession of Αgronomist, specialization in Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering, and more particularly with emphasis in natural resources, environment, agricultural and environmental infrastructure, and Fam Machine Systems. Our students attend core courses in the first 5 semesters and then, they follow their choice of specialization from the 6th semester. In this context, the curriculum offers in all the students the opportunity to expand their knowledge in one of the three (3) Directions of the Department (Water resources, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry and Farm Structures and Farm Machine Systems). However, such specializations do not have strictly distinguishable boundaries, since they share some common coursework, while at the same time the students could expand their knowledge with additional courses in other specializations according to their individual preferences.

In order to obtain the degree, the students should complete during their studies at least 300 ECTS. Thus, the diploma is considered “Integrated Master” and it is assigned to tier 7 (seven) of the National and European Qualifications Framework.

Studies include compulsory laboratory and training exercises, field exercises and educational excursions. The curriculum includes a compulsory 4-month practical training of students, in professional public or private institutions of which they receive 20 ECTS. The 10th Semester is devoted to the work of the  Diploma Thesis, which receives 30 ECTS

The objectives of the undergraduate programme of studies are:

  1. To obtain knowledge concerning the scientific objectives of Agriculture in general and of the specific fields of the Department
  2. To Familiarize students with conducting scientific research and knowledge
  3. To develop specialized competences in relevant scientific objectives and learn how to apply informed judgement.
  4. To develop original educational and research activities considering the social and technological conditions.

To offer their services, within the framework dictated by the objectives of the Department, in the fields of education, research and development and more generally to contribute socially, in the national and international areas.


The undergraduate curriculum aims at the integrated education and training of the graduates, as well as the research progress in the areas of the sustainable development, the appropriate use and the management of natural resources and the environment in general, as well as the cutting edge research and technology in the fields of Machine Systems, Farm Structures, Land Reclamation and Natural Resources.

The Department provides in all its graduates of knowledge and skills for the pursuit of the profession of Αgronomist, specialization in Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering, and more particularly with emphasis in natural resources, environment, agricultural and environmental infrastructure and Fam Machine Systems. Our students attend core courses in the first 5 semesters and then, they follow their choice of specialization from the 6th semester. In this context, the curriculum offers in all the students the opportunity to expand their knowledge in one of the three (3) Directions of the Department (Water resources, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry and Farm Structures and Farm Machine Systems). However, such specializations do not have strictly distinguishable boundaries, since they share some common coursework, while at the same time the students could expand their knowledge with additional courses in other specializations according to their individual preferences.

In order to obtain the degree, the students should complete during their studies at least 300 ECTS. Thus, the diploma is considered “Integrated Master” and it is assigned to tier 7 (seven) of the National and European Qualifications Framework.

Studies include compulsory laboratory and training exercises, field exercises and educational excursions. The curriculum includes a compulsory 4-month practical training of students, in professional public or private institutions of which they receive 20 ECTS. The 10th Semester is devoted to the work of the  Diploma Thesis, which receives 30 ECTS

The objectives of the undergraduate programme of studies are:

  1. To obtain knowledge concerning the scientific objectives of Agriculture in general and of the specific fields of the Department
  2. To Familiarize students with conducting scientific research and knowledge
  3. To develop specialized competences in relevant scientific objectives and learn how to apply informed judgement.
  4. To develop original educational and research activities considering the social and technological conditions.

To offer their services, within the framework dictated by the objectives of the Department, in the fields of education, research and development and more generally to contribute socially, in the national and international areas.


The Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering (NRD&AE) of the Agricultural University of Athens will operate from the academic year 2018-2019 up to the academic year 2024-2025 A Postgraduate Program entitled: « Natural resources, Geoenvironment, Geoinformatics and Agricultural Engineering “.

(Government Gazette) of the postgraduate studies programme of the NRD&AE entitled “Natural Resources, Geoenvironment, Geoinformatics and Agricultural Engineering.




The Department belongs to the newly established School of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering and grants a single degree in Agriculture (Integrated Master – Level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework) with specialization in Natural Resource Utilization and Agricultural Engineering
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